0151 334 9145
Opening Hours:
MONDAY - FRIDAY: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
​SATURDAY: 08:30 AM - 12 NOON
T: 0151 334 9145

Whether it be a result of a failed MOT or an item identified on a routine service often mechanical parts have to be serviced or replaced. For example worn Brake Pads or Shoes will need to be replaced at certain times throughout the life of the vehicle. Shock Absorbers and Suspension parts also. Clutch & Gearbox replacement parts, Exhausts, Cam Belts and Air Con Systems. Below are just a few of the many Service , Repair and Maintenance we carry out.

Braking systems can be very complex, with a lot of the system hidden from immediate view. That's why we have created our 8 point Brake check to make sure the whole system is running as it should be.
We inspect: Disc Pad Wear, The Calipers for leaks and security, Brake discs and drums for wear, Cracks, corrosion and any other damage. Inspect the break hydraulic system, Check brake shoes for wear or damage, Check you have sufficient brake fluid, Inspect any brake warning lights
We have trained technicians and all the relevant equipment to check and fix any problems with your brake systems.
No clutch will last forever. The facings on the clutch disc wear as the miles accumulate. The clutch pressure plate and flywheel can become scored, worn, warped or cracked from all the heat and friction generated by the clutch. A perfectly good clutch also can be ruined by oil contamination; the cable or hydraulic linkage can fail, or the release bearing, pilot bearing/bushing or fork can wear out and prevent the clutch from working properly. There are a variety of things that can go wrong with a clutch, so if you have any concerns over the operation of yours, call in to our reception and make an appointment to have it checked over.

The principle suspension components include a coil spring and a shock absorber or, as it is sometimes known, a dampener. These components work together to dampen down and cushion the vehicle by absorbing the impact from potholes and other minor imperfections in the road. Worn shock absorbers can add up to 2 metres to your braking distance when travelling at 30mph as tyres have less contact with the road.
Maintaining a healthy vehicle suspension system is vital if you are to gain the optimum comfort, stability and handling characteristics from your vehicle.
One of the hardest worked parts on your car is the exhaust system. It is a series of pipes linking the engine to a silencer and a catalytic converter, it performs several functions including; Controlling noise, Directing exhaust fumes away from the vehicles occupants, Improving engine performance, Improving fuel consumption
An exhaust system is composed of the following components: Exhaust Manifold
The exhaust manifold acts as a funnel, collecting the exhaust gases from all cylinders of the engine then releasing them through a single opening. Catalytic Converters (CAT’s) are an integral part of a car’s engine management system, not simply a part of the exhaust system.
They are designed to reduce: Carbon Monoxide, Hydrocarbons or Volatile, Organic Compounds, Nitrogen Oxides. Catalysts are exposed to extremes of heat and mechanical stress which can result in damage after a long period of service.
Your car may have more than one silencer box fitted. The silencer is designed to absorb sound waves created by the engine and reduces this to a level that is legally and environmentally acceptable. The silencer joins onto the tailpipe at one end and the catalytic converter at the other. The tail pipe is the part of the exhaust that extends from the back of the car. It allows the exhaust gases to exit into the atmosphere.

Latest statistics show that 75% of all cars now have air conditioning installed. Air-conditioning is most widely thought of as a cooler for the summer period however it also provides a vital support for the winter period helping with defrosting a vehicle or acting as a dehumidifier. The recommendation is that you should recharge your air conditioning system every 2 years with gas and lubricant, to ensure it continues to run efficiently. If you have not had your car’s air-conditioning re-gassed for 2 or more years it is likely that the air conditioning is not working as efficiently as it should be. This will mean that the air conditioning system has to work harder to cool your vehicle and will use more fuel. It is a valuable fuel saving tip to ensure that your vehicle has an efficiently functioning air-conditioning system.
Air-conditioning systems gradually leak gas into the atmosphere; this is lost at up to 10% a year. Your car will also lose gas more rapidly if the air-conditioning is not used regularly even during the winter. The drop in the gas pressure will result in a loss of cooling efficiency.
Our air-conditioning engineers have been trained to undertake air-conditioning re-gassing and a fully certified with a Safe Handling of Refrigerants Certificate.